Frequently Asked Questions
What is the referral process FOR a consultation?
Referrals are welcomed from patients, other medical specialists including general practitioners, physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals. ACC referrals are also welcomed.
You will be notified once your referral is received by the office. Mr. Burgess will assess the information provided in your referral and any available imaging such as x-rays or ultrasounds in order to determine the degree of urgency for review. If any advice can be provided to your referring healthcare professional, this may be offered while you wait for your appointment. Mr. Burgess may arrange further imaging, such as an MRI scan prior to your appointment.
Your referral with be assessed within 7-10 days and following this you will be informed of your clinic date. If you feel that you would like to be sooner than the date offered, please contact the office. Sometimes appointments become available at short notice and there is a cancellation list for patients who would like to be seen sooner.
What can I expect at my first appointment?
At your first appointment, a detailed history of surrounding your current problem will be taken, along with a relevant examination. All previous investigations, current medication and treatment to date will also be discussed. Based on the information gathered, further investigations or treatment recommendations will be made.
The wait time for a clinic appointment vary greatly depending on acuity and clinic volumes. You will be advised following triaging of your referral when you appointment is.
Who can come to my appointment?
You are encouraged to bring a support person along to your first appointment if you wish. Please also write down a list of questions if you have them to discuss. If you wish to have copy of your clinic letter, please request this at the time of the appointment.
What do I need to know if I am listed for an operation?
You will be provided with detailed instructions regarding you preparation for your operation including appointment times and locations, as well as guidance for fasting.
Any other questions?
If you have any questions or concerns whatsoever surrounding your care, do not hesitate to get in touch.